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You are the person you are today because of the thoughts you have had up to this point in life.

In order to get different results, you must have different thoughts.

Spend time journaling today about one thing you want to change about yourself, then write down some new thoughts you might need to think in order to make that change. And then practice thinking those thoughts.

For example, you might want to change the fact that you stay up too late at night. You might need to think, "I will start my bedtime routine at 10pm. I am aware that I won't want to do this, but I know my morning will go smoother." Then put a reminder in your phone to turn off devices at 9:30pm and another reminder at 10pm to walk to your bathroom. Then when you want to ignore those reminders, repeat your new thought. You might even add, "It's ok that I don't want to start getting ready for bed yet, but I can do it anyways."

You are in charge of your brain!

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