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i am enough

"Help, I am stuck!" Yesterday I met with a new client who was stuck. She started her book and just couldn't get herself to finish it. She saw my Instagram bio and reached out to me. We met and talked and she loved what I had to offer. She signed up right away and set her next appointment with me. Woohoo, what a relief! I did it! I showed up and sold my program and she liked it.

What happens when the person doesn't see the value I offer and declines? I still won! Why? Because I showed up in both occasions. I offered the same value to both people and I am committed to both people. The only thing I can ultimately control is myself. I can't control if the person says yes or no. I can't control if the person sees value in me. It is completely my job to see value in myself. I just show up as me and I get to have my own back!

What an amazing life you can create when you realize I am enough, I am amazing, I have so much to offer and I can be confident in ME!

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