Today in my 30 Day Daily Writing Challenge, the writing prompt was this: List 5 excuses. Write about one.
I highly recommend you do this one! I had some big realizations.
Here is my journal entry from today.
I don’t have enough time.
This is taking too long.
I don’t want to learn one more website/app/program.
I am too tired.
I don’t think I am special enough to accomplish that.
They didn’t pick me.
I am not fun enough.
As I wrote that list, I realize I started writing some negative self-talk in my list of excuses. I find that interesting that negative self-talk is another way of making excuses. My most used theme on my excuses is really about my TIME. I value my time, but I try to multi-task my time and do too many things at once. Which then creates a crazy brain and thoughts go to negative self-talk. I want to do all the things all at the same time. I do this with money too…I will get birthday money and then I will plan how I am going to spend that money in 5 different ways. Then when I spend it, I am sad that I didn’t get to do all the things with the money. Financially I know it is not possible to spend the same money 5 times, but I start to experience FOMO about what I didn’t get to buy, instead of enjoying what I did buy. My mind is blown right now! I get FOMO with money, with my time and with myself.
This is such good awareness for me to have. I can manage my thoughts around the FOMO. For instance, I can say...I know I could spend my afternoon in many ways and today I chose this way, I wonder which way I should chose tomorrow? OR I am sad I didn't get to spend my time doing the thing I would have loved to do, but today this felt more important.
What is your top excuse?